Big White Guy outside
Red Palm Tree I love this time of year... Christmas is my favorite Holiday... A time to reflect on Christ birth and how we are so grateful for his sacrifice for us! All the fun Christmas lights on the houses and also around the temples... My fav things about "Christmas are"
~I love my Christmas Sock because it has my name on It and I've had it since I was a little girl~
~We have so many "Snow Man's" everywhere around our house~
~It's so Awesome to have a last name that's "SnOw" I don't know if want to give that up yet... I will eventually but i will keep the traditions to put them in my house~
~Taco Soup on Christmas Eve~
~My new Christmas PJ's~
~Danish Pancakes and Biscuit's and Gravy on Christmas Morning~
Well over the weekend we put up all the Decorations and I love it when they go up!!! My mom just does a good job at making our house so cute for the Holidays!!! So if you ever want to see a Snow Man come on over there are plenty!!! I told my mom when she was all done that our house is looking alot like Christmas!!! I just love it!!! I'm excited for it to come and i hope it doesn't come to fast!!!